The Cobalt Blue range, known for its unique glaze created by the craftsmen of the Takai kiln, consists of organic shapes inspired by the mountainous alpine region of Gifu prefecture. The glaze is fired at low temperatures to create a unique 'crackle' effect over a deep blue background.
This stunning rectangular plate is extremely versatile and can be used in many different ways or even just as a piece of art in your home.
Each plate is carefully crafted from 'Minoyaki' porcelain, known for its high-temperature firing and hand-finishing techniques. The result is a dish that is also a piece of art, embodying the beauty of Japanese craftsmanship.
The subtle irregularities in size, glaze and texture, make each Sky Blue Sushi Plate one-of-a-kind, adding the charm of artisan craftmanship to your dining experience.
Dimensions: 21 x 13 x 3cm